MVI Presentation
MVNGO Presentation
Member Organization
Mobility Opportunities
Moving Values
The NGO MV International [MVI] is a nonprofit “association of organisations” that cultivates social involvement, initiates training / events and directs community building activities towards inclusive, sustainable and reflective societies.
Association of organisations
Established in 2012, MVI is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 45 member organizations, international NGOs and public/private sector stakeholders.
A network of NGOs around the globe aimed also to promote participatory planning and exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of UN and European funding and project design.
Connecting Networks
MVI promotes and coordinates participatory planning aligned to the priorities of the European Union (and thematic programmes of the United Nations) as well as related knowledge and best-practices exchange among professionals in the field of Social Innovation.
Nonprofit “association of organisations”
Established in 2012, MVI is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 37 member organizations, international NGOs and public/private sector stakeholders.
Creating opportunities for people in need
Activities carried out by MVI’s and member’s staff, professionals and volunteers and involve ‘joint’: policy studies; thematic research; regional surveys, proposal elaborations, project implementation, networking / training events – and more –
Institutional Adhesion
In order to enable execution of the NGO’s ambitions MVI is dedicated to grant and project design. Through its member organizations a vast array of experience and expertise is covered within its scope of interest.
Projects grants and implementation relate to EU-programmes, such as Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, COSME and JISTICE. Future ambitions find exploration of UN programmes and further alignment the to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
Programs we work with

Raising Awareness
MVI functions therefore as a global platform, open to stake-holding organisations and individuals with special expertise such as in the fields of Social Entrepreneurship, Non Formal Education, ETS and Sustainability.
Because we care
As non-profit “association of associations” MVI intends to carry out social involvement and community building activities for its members and stake holding (third) parties encouraging participation, freedom and dignity of its members.
The scope of interest of MVI aligns to inclusive, sustainable and reflective societies – in short social innovation and align to the themes covered by the Erasmus+ programme such as social inclusion, gender equality, by means of Social Entrepreneurship, Non-Formal Education, Education through sport and fostering of international Mobility.